Competition Glass in Architecture
- Grand Prix d’Architecture in Glass
for the Project GREAT AMBER, Concert Hall City of Liepaja /Latvia.
Presented to Giencke & Company as part of a festive banquet by the President of the Union of Russian Architects, N. I. Schumakov, on April 19, 2018, in the Central House of the Architect, Moscow.
- Special Prize of Arch Glass 2018
for the project MOZARTEUM University Buildings, Salzburg/Austria. Presented to Giencke & Company.
GREAT AMBER Concert Hall
All facade features were created by Giencke & Company, by defining all demands and characteristics of shape, physics, glass-specifications, daylight, openings, fixations etc.
Collaboration with various consultants from Latvia, Germany and Austria. During the construction phase the facade-details were advanced by the architect together with the General Constructor, Merks Ltd., his facade companies, and under the Author Supervision of Giencke & Company.
_Technical Design of Facade and Innovation
The outer glazing is held in place by stainless steel glass clamps. These clamps guarantee that the threefold wind force is withheld, as compared to a normal wind force. A triangular and moveable “steel-sword” –a very simple but effective invention- holds with 2 point fixings on the inner glass pane of the outer facade the differently inclined and crooked glasses.
_Uniqueness of Facade
As outer glazing the “Great Amber” facade consists of two screens with 4 special films of different colors which were tested under an artificial sun at the light-studio of Bartenbach /Innsbruck. That is, the façade shines in daylight like amber in different colors, from yellowish-whit to orange and reddish brown, or takes the color of the sky. The facade is transparent, reflects the surrounding of “Great Amber” in different shades. At night “Great Amber” is a huge luminous body in the city, a giant amber, which reveals it’s interior and shows the activities that happen in him.
_Sustainability of Facade
From a physical point of view: Double facade as a climate buffer - closing the air inlets in winter, transfer the warm air over fans in the summer. The Amber Facade is the second glazing of the double skin glass facade of “Great Amber”.
The amber facade is 70cm in front of the inner glazing. The airspace between them increases or decreases the actual outside temperature by 5 to 15°C. The overpressure prevents soiling the facade interspace.
_Light-Tubes as Special Feature:
One special feature is the lighting of the stage area in the Concert Hall. Normally, concert halls are always dark, as they have no access to daylight. Great Amber project in Liepaja, however, responds to the special wish of the principle conductor to be able to conduct by daylight. Fourteen so-called light pipes, each with a diameter of over one metre, ensure that the concert hall receives sufficient daylight. The interior of these light pipes consists of a highly reflective steel lining which augments natural light to such an extent that a unique spatial atmosphere is created when the sun shines, filling the space with brilliantly intense, yet evenly distributed daylight. When the weather is cloudy, the pipes provide diffuse, shadow-free daylight, too, thus conjuring up various moods and effects inside.
During the White Nights in summer, when the sun sets briefly, evening concerts can take place in daylight. With the aid of a black out mechanism, light incidence can be regulated gradually. Besides achieving an optical effect, daylight illumination also has a practical purpose. No artificial light is needed for orchestra rehearsals largely taking place during the day, thus considerably saving energy costs. Moreover, since it is a multi-purpose venue, the Concert Hall is also suitable for congresses and festive events held during the day.
According to legend , Liepaja is the City were the wind was born. That is why we designed the building to lean against the wind.
MOZARTEUM University buildings – Project
The façade is an autonomous structure that curtains the reinforced concrete structure consisting of columns and floor slabs. It is made of single ribs which are CNC machined from sheet metal and compact glue-laminated and pressed veneers (Kerto© or Parallam, etc.). These ribs are packed between an inner shell, which encloses the space, and the outer shell, which provides sealing and thermal insulation.
Transparent façade elements should account for more than a third of the entire façade surface – which, however, does not mean that closed façade parts do not reflect incident light in the same way.
The impression is that of an animated, semi-transparent, semi-closed façade that appears translucent or opaque, depending on the prevailing light. The façade acts as a reflector for the deflection of daylight – northern and zenith light.
Principally, the façade is a structure that echoes the fundamental ideas of the project, i.e. to create architecture that understands form as shape, as a dynamic phenomenon that changes the perception and behaviour of its users and beholder.
Façade is an expression of the vitality of a society that should be able to thrive without perpetual references to heritage and fashionable fraud.
Bitte die Qualität durch Bilder besser vermitteln
Lieber Volker Giencke,
zuerst einmal: Gratulation zu diesem Preis. Dass der Great Amber international entsprechend wahrgenommen wird, ist eine Freude, auch für mich als Architekturkritikerin, als die ich das Gebäude zu den schönsten und gelungensten Großbauten der letzten Jahre zähle, europaweit.
dann aber: warum nimmt das Büro für die Präsentation des Preises eine Abbildung, die das Bauwerk und seine Qualität überhaupt nicht vermittelt und noch dazu für jene, die den Great Amber nie vor Ort gesehen haben (gefühlte 99,9% aller österreichischen Architekturinteressierten) irreführend und unverständlich ist. Das langgestreckte ehemalige Hafengebäude, jetzt ein Hotel mit Restaurants, wirkt auf diesem Bild wie ein Teil des Great Amber - ist es aber nicht. Der Solitär kommt überhaupt nicht zur Wirkung, so, im Hintergrund mit Dachsaum. Warum es als freistehendes Gebäude, das gut ins Stadtgefüge einpasst ist, verstecken?
Zur Vermittlung von Baukultur gehört selbstverständlich auch die Abbildung. Die muss verständlich sein und zusätzliche Erkenntnis bringen. Meiner Meinung nach ist Kunstfotographie, so wie sie beim Steirischen Landesarchitekturpreis so gern bestellt wird, dabei eine eigene Kategorie, die oft nicht zur Verständlichkeit und damit zur Vermittlung von Qualität beiträgt (ich erinnere an den Landesarchitekturpreis für die VS Hausmannstätten von Tischler/Mechs, deren riesige Abbildung in der Ausstellung eine Gesamtaufnahme des Ortes gezeigt hat, in der die prämierte Schule weit im Hintergrund lediglich als Flachdachsaum zu sehen war) Gut vermittelt? Also bitte den Preis durch ein weiteres Foto des Great Amber verständlich machen. Es gibt ja großartige zur doppelschaligen, farbigen Glasfassade.