Europan 15 legt mit dem Thema Productive Cities / Die Produktive Stadt einen besonderen Schwerpunkt auf die Integration produzierender Arbeit in die Standortentwicklung. Der Wettbewerb umfasste 47 Standorte aus 12 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern. Die österreichischen Standorte befanden sich in Graz, Innsbruck, Villach, Weiz und Wien. Insgesamt wurden 901 Projektbeiträge eingereicht, davon 123 Einsendungen für österreichische Standorte.
Wettbewerbsaufgabe für Wien
Vienna’s concept for the productive city emphasises the value of the manufacturing sector and secures it as a key pillar of sustainable urban development. Embedded in this progressive framework the E15 site builds a mosaic within the larger zone of an ambitious transformation for a mixed-use-area of production and housing. A rather small plot of land, excellently accessible, it shall function as the ultimate experiment for mixing. Different interests need to be orchestrated and resilient synergies found. The site’s position within a traffic hub, its undulating topography, small size and wild nature will pose an extremely exciting and challenging task. The parameters for a mixed industrial site are set here. Amaze and inspire with a visionary pilot scheme for many to imitate.
Ensuring the cities to be both productive and sustainable, they have to interlink resources, mobilities and conditions of fairness so that to create new dynamics according two aspects: productive milieus and productive uses.
Productive uses
Uses can become productive if they go beyond their own functional limitations: productive uses work as a trigger that can initiate dynamics of change in a way that transforms the surrounding environment. They are a response to a situation in which an absence of dynamics has led to a powerful "use-ambition", the demand for a credible programme, a catalyst for change that fits smoothly into the existing context.
Ergebnis des E15-Standorts Wien
Registrierungen: 49 – Eingereichte Projekte: 37
1 Winner / 1 Runner Up
Jose Manuel Lopez Ujaque (ES), architect
Mercedes Naranjo Ruiz Atienza (ES), student in architecture
Paula Pastor Pastor (ES), student in architecture
Based In Alicante, ES
Mattia Inselvini (IT), architect
Valentina Fantini (IT), architect
Marcello Carpino (IT), student in architecture
Claudia Consonni (IT), architect
Marco Gambare (IT), architect
Margherita Borroni (IT), architect
Anna Jo Banke (DK), student in architecture
Joon Hyuk Ma (KR), student in architecture
Based In: Rotterdam, NL
Local commission: Two discs standing side by side are the urban ‘Leitmotiv’ here with the plan to include green spaces in the development. There is a high proportion of non-sealed surfaces while still integrating productivity. The idea of “shelving” means that the small- scale enterprises are brought to the vertical by being housed in a vertical block.
The project is strongly developed through its structure and offers a certain sense of peace and quiet opposite the imposing T-Center. The suggestions for various uses are easily imagined and in this project a system has been developed that goes to show how vastly different purposes can be arranged in tiers and co-exist without disruption. The cross- sections show intriguing insights. It is evident that a lot of thought and suitable research has gone into this project.
The viability of the bicycle ramp over two storeys raises some doubt as do issues with sufficient lighting. The placing of residential space on the side facing the main road is also debatable.
All in all, the project meets the requirements for the location and proves that it is possible to provide green spaces in an industrial, urban setting.
International jury: The jury agrees that the project has a strong and innovative concept, which is well elaborated and advanced. The main theme conveyed here is visibility and exposure of the productive city; both inside the building and towards the external. Two facing discs generate a kind of mutual presence between people who live and work here. The internal street and the slim volumes allow everybody (internal & external) a close encounter with productive functions. Hence, this project is thought to substantially contribute to the issue of productive typologies in the city. The slim industrial spaces proposed, create a new spatial framework that can be combined well with housing and therefore is deemed very innovative.
The diagonal street of communal spaces is discussed, where a re-arrangement along vertical strands seems more suitable. The porosity on the ground floor appears limited by the existing wall and the jury recommends reconsidering it. Also, ventilation and light between the two slabs are questioned. Regardless of the fact whether the greenery can thrive sufficiently inside, or the porosity is acceptable, the project and its conceptual approach are so robust as to make it a winning entry. In terms of innovation it is unanimously considered as the most innovative one.
Local commission: The proposed project is a single large building with one straight side and one terraced side. In the plinth there are extensive storage areas as well as public spaces, makers labs, shops and other businesses. Threaded throughout are the foyers or entrance halls which lead to offices and living spaces. The production is spread out over different layers and with good use of the structure’s layout and terracing system should not cause any disturbance to the residential spaces above.
The project explored the creation of various qualities in this specific place. For example, with the organisation of different functions into louder and quieter zones and the associated front winter garden. The resulting concept with a straight side and a terraced side seems comprehensible and, on the whole, the programmatic distribution seems sophisticated. Interesting ideas are raised concerning the creation of comfortable living spaces in a loud environment with high emissions. The use of building parts with a high wing depth for experimental forms of living is seen positively and brightly lit areas have been successfully created in the plinth.
Questions remain regarding the presentation of an idyll and a passive approach to the facade facing Rennweg. A consideration here of the relationship to the street is recommended.
International jury: The jury appreciates the asymmetrical concept of this project, responding to an asymmetrical context of two different roads and urban fabrics. It responds on the one side to the busy and loud Rennweg with a closed façade – however the closure on the ground floor is not approved of – and with a more open, stepped structure to the social housing project on the other side.
The terraces are deemed viable; however the towers are critically questioned. In particular the logic of the concept is not understood, that the towers emerge where two terraced volumes overlap. How these two typologies interweave, remains unclear. Also, a discussion arises on various points: in what way are the terraces productive (shouldn’t there be big ramps leading to the terraces?) - and what their standing in an urban context is about (what are the terraces facing?)
The proportion of the housing on the upper floors seems too narrow and little is made of the roof and the top floor, which is almost too shallow for flats. The proportion of the terraces in general could be more differentiated, on the one hand densifying, by making them steeper and on the other hand making them wider or even excavating parts in order to bring in light from the side.
The jury considers this project as an interesting concept and values its response to the urban context. It is unanimously nominated for the runner-up.
Weitere Jurystatements im Downloadbereich rechts.
JURY E15, Hemma Fasch (AT), President
- Kristiaan Borrett (BE), Bouwmeester maître architecte” of Brussels-Capital Region
- Claudia Nutz (AT), Regional Planner; Executive Consultant
- Hemma Fasch (AT), Architect, Principal of fasch&fuchs.Architects
- Bart Lootsma (NL), Professor and Head of the Institute for Architectural Theory, History and Heritage Preservation at the University of Innsbruck
- Kamiel Klaasse (NL), Architect, Principal of NL Architects, Amsterdam
- Blaz Babnik Romanuik (SL) – Substitute Anne Lacaton, Architect, Winner E13 Wien-Kagraner Platz
- Verena Konrad (AT), Director of the VAI-Vorarlberger Architektur Institut