1020 Wien

2 h 30 mins

10 € (children under 14 free)

Obere Augartenstrasse 1, 1020 (Main gate into park, not MuTh or Sängerknaben), 4 mins walk from U2 Tabor Str. Opposite Ob. Augtn Str. 40

''ein wichtiges Ziel, [sei] Österreich wieder zurück an die Spitze zu bringen - bei Innovation, bei Qualifikation, bei Qualität, Wachstum und Beschäftigung! Make Austria great again!" Christoph Leitl, WKÖ President, 2016

"Österreich soll bei der Innovationskraft einen Platz an der "Weltspitze ohne Wenn und Aber" einnehmen. Das wünscht sich der Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer (WKÖ), Harald Mahrer." 2019

Everyone knows Vienna is beautiful. But we take you to the dark side, and explore some very ugly mistakes, on a walking journey.

There is no reservation - just show up on the day. There is no maximum number of participants. We walk in every weather. All walks are in English, led by Eugene Quinn. This walk can be arranged for private groups, birthdays, special events and school students, to practice their English. Und es gibt auch einen deutschsprachigen "Haessliches Wien" Spaziergang. Any other questions, please email: eugene@whoosh.wien

We want locals to explore their own city from an innovative perspective. A tour of beautiful palaces would not interest many of them, but this does. There is a fascination with death, failure and melancholy in Vienna, and this walk reflects that Ulrich Seidl mood.

Through humour, we want to make some serious points about the role of fashion, the popular press, city-planners, gentrification, postmodernism, pretentious language used by architects, UNESCO and greedy developers. Our walk focuses on the bad taste of rich people, and so we have so much choice of buildings in central Vienna.

We want to start a debate – and so participants vote on the attractiveness of each building. This is one of the cities with the biggest gap between its fantasy and reality. We want to explore that gap, and maybe close it a little. Vienna is more interesting than its reputation. In the spirit of Conchita, we want to transgress, and surprise people. To show another Vienna, beyond the cliches of Sissi and Schnitzel, a city which is more creative, contemporary and adventurous.

You have to come on the walk to find out which buildings we consider ugly. We include old and new architecture. Some structures are both beautiful and ugly. Through ugliness we can discover new dimensions of beauty, and the two have an interesting relationship in Vienna. Beauty can be boring – but ugly never is. And we love the cinematic qualities of Vienna at night, so some of our walks start at midnight.

Current walks of Vienna focus on the old city. We need new stories to tell.

Here are TV reports showing what happened when we adapted the concept to a Munich Ugly tour, and how Die Tagesschau news programme in Germany reported on Vienna Ugly.


+43 680 1254 354, Eugene Quinn

16. + 17.11.2023