Jour Fixe Austria

Wegen Umbau geöffnet, ©Sabine Kneidinger 

The next New European Bauhaus Jour Fixe will take place on the 9th July 2024 at the Architekturzentrum Wien (AzW). The event will focus on the exchange of national and international NEB activities and positions as well as networking among the participants.

The informal exchange within the framework of the New European Bauhaus Initiative aims to promote networking and the exchange of experiences.


  • 10:00  Registration
  • 10:30  Welcome address
    Federal Ministry for Climate Action
    Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture and Civil Service and Sport
    Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management
  • 10:40  Introduction about the values of the New European Bauhaus
    Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, IIASA

      NEB Facility and Consultation Process

  • 11:00  Presentation of the New European Bauhaus Facility
    Alina Ujupan, Head of Unit New European Bauhaus Coordination, European Commission
  • 11:30  Feedback on the NEB Facility and Consultation Process

      NEB Activities in Austria

  • 11:50  NEBKrit – Quality criteria for buildings and neighborhoods based on the NEB
    Robert Temel, Plattform Baukulturpolitik & Renate Hammer, IBRI
  • 12:10  Re-Sourcing Commons – Fritzi-Massary-Park (NEB Prize Winner 2024)
    Christina Schraml, die Angewandte
  • 12:30  Lunch Break
  • 13:15  Housing for the Common Good: Sustainable Governance from European Best Practice for the Recovery in Ukraine
    Wolfgang Amann, IIBW
  • 13:35  NEB Demonstrator Tischlerei Melk
    Lukas Fürst, Tischlerei Melk
  • 13:55  Start of the NEB Academy Alliance
    Stefan Leitner, Holzbau Austria
  • 14:15  Klimademo Vis-à-Vis, Participatory realization of a climate-neutral demonstration building
    Markus Zilker, einszueins architekten GmbH
  • 14:20  EIT KIC Creative Industries
  • 15:00  Get together

Moderation: ÖGUT

Register now

Date: 9th July 2024, 10:00 to 15:00
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien (AzW), Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien
Language: English

16. + 17.11.2023