"Under the Sea" explores the Underground scenes of one interesting female artist, Masha Jaklitsch in Graz. She combines texts, liguistics, visual art and other genres in order to express her helplessness to write about gender... In her own words:
Hello Everyone!
This post is an announcement. I work on the continuation of the text UNDER THE SEA with the full title being UNDER THE SEA x SIGNS. With a background in dance/choreography, the visual arts and linguistics this project is semiotics paired with choreography multiplied into all that one would imagine to be painting. If you happen to wanting to know more about semiotics, this is the place to be. This is the weirdest kind of open-source-souce and it is nothing less than wanting world peace to travel to the moon again. Stay tuned!
Masha Jaklitsch
dancer/choreographer, poet, visual artist, linguist
BIOGRAFIE: Masha Jaklitsch, also Pauline Jaklitsch, is an austrian artist and feminist from graz, who is based in vienna too. She does yoga since 2005. Having studied visual arts at the rietveld academie in amsterdam and physical theatre at the école lecoq in paris and estudis berty tovias in barcelona, has got a university background in linguistics and languages in graz (BA), vienna and amsterdam (unfinished MA). Since 2022 Masha is with artist-led-space in graz in the margaretenbadviertel. More so, Masha lives in vienna again making it count here.