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Projekt “SEKSEK”; Daniela Brasil.

Projekt “SEKSEK”; Daniela Brasil.

Projekt “SEKSEK”; Daniela Brasil.

Projekt “CURIOUS HOUSES”; Esther Blodau-Konick und Theresa Dietl

Projekt “CURIOUS HOUSES”; Esther Blodau-Konick und Theresa Dietl

Projekt “CURIOUS HOUSES”; Esther Blodau-Konick und Theresa Dietl

Projekt “CURIOUS HOUSES”; Esther Blodau-Konick und Theresa Dietl

Projekt “CURIOUS HOUSES”; Esther Blodau-Konick und Theresa Dietl

Im Zuge der Konferenz „Sprachlehrende in ihren Rollen stärken“ des European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe realisiert das Kinderbüro Steiermark mit dieser Organisation in Graz die Bewusstseins-Kampagne „Kinderrechte im öffentlichen Raum“.

Seit 26. September und bis einschließlich 2. Oktober 2011 wird im Grazer Stadtraum auf drei ausgewählte Kinderrechte mittels künstlerischer Interventionen aufmerksam gemacht. Dabei handelt es sich um Interpretationen des Rechtes auf Freizeit (Art 31 UN-Kinderrechtskonvention), des Rechtes auf Beteiligung (Art 12) und des Rechtes auf Schutz vor Gewaltanwendung, Misshandlung und Verwahrlosung (Art 19).

Yasemin Ceylan

The project aims to create public awareness on the child’s right to play and have free time, the right to participate and the right to be free from fear. Using an artistic point of view to present these rights, we, as Kinderbüro lobby for children until 14, would like to catch the public attention into matter.
Four artists are working on three children rights. In their projects we see artistic and individual interpretation of children’s right to play and have free time, the right to participate and the right to be free from fear.

The Child’s Right to play and have free time (Art 31 UN-CRC)
** Project “SEKSEK”

City signs organize and regulate the usage of urban space. Pedestrian and bikers should share a path, cars should stop to allow pedestrians to cross, within this and this time goods can be delivered, cars can park or not park. Children can play in this or that playground and so on. This project wants to make a small disturbance on this system, claiming attention that the city space should also be appropriated for unexpected uses, such as to take three minutes to play hopscotch, trying to jump from earth to the sky! The insertion of this world-wide known street game using the same graphic code of city's official signage system, this work aims to suggest a free moment of play within the normal behaviors of daily life, claiming attention to the children's (but also grown-ups) right to have free time and play. A small – and playful – provocation to widen the official usage of the city space

About the artist:
Daniela Brasil, Graduation in Architecture and Urbanism Rio de Janeiro 1999, Post-graduation “Desenho Ambiental Urbano” Lisboa/Barcelona 2002, MFA “Public art and net artistic strategies” Weimar/Oxford 2006, Doctor Phil. "Experimenting with the urban experience" Weimar 2011,

The Child’s Right to participate (Art 12 UN-CRC):
When you come to Karmeliterplatz you realize three small houses which normally don’t seem to belong there. Then you come close and you discover a little blue house full of colourful funnels all around which children can use as microphones. Then you see the second little house full of blackboards and colourful chalks which is inviting you to make your invisible thoughts visible. And finally you enter into the third house and you suddenly realize that it is unfinished. It is waiting for you to finish!

About the artists:
Esther Blodau-Konick (Artist and Urbanist). Esther grew up in Galway, Ireland and received her B.Sc. in Urban Studies from Cornell University, USA in 2006 and a M.Sc. in European Urbanism in 2010 from the Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, Germany. In the past she has worked for urban planning institutions and offices in New York, Edinburgh and Amsterdam. She now specializes in participatory public art projects as part of a social planning process. She has been artistically and curatorally involved in projects such as KoCA Inn (Weimar 2009), WorldKioskWeimar (Weimar 2010) and Through the Looking Glass (Colonge 2011). She is also an active member of the Berliner Institute for Creative Sustainability (id22) which supports sustainable, participatory, and creative urban development.

Theresa Dietl (*1983, Erfurt, Germany) studied Urbanism (M.Sc.) in Weimar, Germany, and Cultural Studies (B.A.) in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, Miami, USA, and Coimbra, Portugal. She worked, besides others, as a teaching assistant at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (2010-11), at the Dublin City Council, Irleland (2008), and the International Organization for Migration, Lisbon, Portugal (2006-07). She participated in the experimental-urban projects wkw WorldKioskWeimar (Weimar, 2010), KoCA Inn (Weimar, 2009, co-editor of the project's publication), and Corpocidade (Salvador da Bahia, Brasil, 2008). Her interests lay on interdisciplinary work crossing the boundaries between social and cultural research, urbanism and artistic practices.

The Child’s Right to be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence (Art 19 UN-CRC):

As fear and violence are inserted in children´s lives since their early ages this proposal wishes to question the toys and games industry. I believe that all kinds of violence are a reason to destroy children´s future, as it might affect their ability to dream and to believe in reasonable, peaceful and beautiful futures. Violence, as posed by many games, including their names exterminator, terminator, etc. destroy innocence, insert a drive to attack, to be offensive, to want revenge.
In this sense, this installation for the Nikolaiplatz wants to display sounds of war toys and video games’ warriors mixed with children´s voices in various languages saying what they dream about their future.

About the artist:
Bernhard König, born in 1983 in Räckelwitz, studied architecture and urbanism in Weimar, Oxford and Zurich. He worked among others for Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, the Office for Urban Projects in Leipzig and the foundation Bauhaus Dessau. Landscape architecture Price Thüringen in 2009, Publications, exhibition and media projects.

About Kinderbüro
Kinderbüro is a regional non-profit organization working on children rights. We are working as a lobby for children until 14 in order to be their voice, to provide their participation into every subject related to them and to create different options for their life.
Since 1998 Kinderbüro is working on different projects concerning children and urban life, city planning and artitecture, participation, economy, science, diversity and child and family information.

kinderGAT, Empfehlung
16. + 17.11.2023