Sto GmbH
Richtstraße 47
9500 Villach


Sto Group
Sto Group is one of the major international manufacturers of products and systems for building coatings. Its business focuses first and foremost on external wall insulation systems (EWIS), a sector in which the company occupies a leading position, and also on rainscreen cladding systems (RSC). Also included in the facade systems product group are render and paint systems for external applications.

Sto is founded on a culture of research and development combined with the highest standards of manufacturing. Our range of materials and systems forms the basis for improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Sto’s clients rely on the quality and performance of our products, supported by worldwide expertise and tailored services to provide outstanding results for projects of any size and specification.

Die Sto GmbH ist Technologieführer im Bereich Wärmedämmung. Sto bietet ein komplettes Programm an Fassadenfarben, Innenfarben, Fassadenputzen, Architekturelementen, vorgehängten hinterlüfteten Fassadensystemen, Akustik- und Bodenbeschichtungssystemen und Produkten für die Betoninstandsetzung.

Service für Architekten in Graz

Nachrichten von diesem Kontakt:

Sto präsentiert "StoVentec Glass" – die Glasfassade mit höchster Systemsicherheit
_Sto GmbH, Produkt

Veranstalter von:

_Tagung –kurz, Graz – Dom im Berg

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16. + 17.11.2023